Aarhus Universitets segl

Nr. 638: Lægemidler og triclosan i punktkilder og vandmiljøet. NOVANA-Screeningsundersøgelse af det akvatiske miljø (summary)

Mogensen, B; Bossi, R; Kjær, J; Juhler, R; Boutrup, S. (2007). Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser ved Aarhus Universitet. Technical report from NERI no. 638. 35 pp


This screening project is part of the national surveillance

programme for the aquatic environment and nature (NOVANA).

Screening of xenobiotic compounds in the environment is a

way to include new compounds in the monitoring programme and it includes

emerging compounds in selected matrices at a limited number of locations. The

objective of the screening is to establish a basis for evaluation of the

relevance of including these new compounds in the national monitoring. As the

screening includes a limited number of sampling sites for each matrix, it is not

possible to draw final conclusions on the occurrence of the compounds in the



screening project included thirty pharmaceuticals for human as well as

veterinary use, one metabolite and one biocide (triclosan) and its metabolite

(methyl triclosan). The pharmaceuticals were selected among those most

frequently used in Denmark .


<p class="DScreening of xenobiotic compounds in the environment is a

way to include new compounds in the monitoring programme and it includes

emerging compounds in selected matrices at a limited number of locations. The

objective of the screening is to establish a basis for evaluation of the

relevance of including these new compounds in the national monitoring. As the

screening includes a limited number of sampling sites for each matrix, it is not

possible to draw final conclusions on the occurrence of the compounds in the



<p class =" for selected DThis screening project included thirty in human well as veterinary use, one biocide (triclosan) and its metabolite (methyl triclosan). The pharmaceuticals were SPAN among those most frequently used ID='ektct5035' ctagtype="1" ctagattrs=" w:st=@zzquote;on@zzquote;" ctagnomen="st1:country-region" unselectable="off" <>


<p class =" for selected DThis screening project included thirty in human well as veterinary use, one biocide (triclosan) and its metabolite (methyl triclosan). The pharmaceuticals were SPAN among those most frequently used ID='ektct5035' ctagtype="1" ctagattrs=" w:st=@zzquote;on@zzquote;" ctagnomen="st1:country-region" unselectable="off" <>Samples were collected of influent and effluent water as

well as sludge at sewage treatment plants (STPs) of surface water from streams

with catchment areas including pig farming or fish farming and of drainage water

and ground water. All together 64 samples were analysed.



influent water, 15 of 31 analysed pharmaceuticals were detected and 13 of these

were also detected in effluent water. The degree of removal in the STPs varied

from compound to compound and from plant to plant. For eight of the compounds

PNEC (predicted no effect concentration) values have been established. For seven

of these compounds, the maximum concentration in effluent water was below PNEC.

In effluent water from a single STP, paracetamol occurred in a concentration 3

times higher than the estimated PNEC concentration after ten times dilution in

the recipient.



sludge eight out of 25 pharmaceuticals were detected. Two of these were neither

detected in influent nor effluent water.


Triclosan, which is a biocide used in for example some

tooth pastes, was detected in both influent and effluent waters at STPs. After

10 times dilution in the recipient, the maximum concentration is estimated to be

below the PNEC value. Triclosan was detected in all samples of sludge. If sludge

is applied to farmland at the highest tolerated rate, it is estimated that the

concentration of triclosan in the topsoil may exceed the PNEC for terricolous




surface water downstream fish farms, six out of 31 pharmaceuticals were

detected. Four antibiotics that are applied in fish farming were detected most

frequently. Water quality criteria are established for three of the four

antibiotics in Statutory order no. 1669 of 14 December 2006 and a preliminary

water quality criterion is established for the fourth antibiotic. The detected

concentrations of antibiotics were below the water quality criteria in all cases

except for    one where the concentration of sulfadiazin exceeded the

water quality criterion.



drainage water and ground water produced under fields where liquid manure has

been spread, no pharmaceuticals were detected. However, there was very little

precipitation during late spring and summer this year, which gave atypical

conditions for this part of the study. Equally, in surface water in areas where

liquid manure potentially is spread no pharmaceuticals, which could come from

liquid manure, were detected. However, there is no information about the amount

of liquid manure, which was spread on the fields before the surface water




the basis of the findings in this screening project the steering group


  • monitoring of pharmaceuticals that were detected frequently in effluent water at sewage treatment plats
  • monitoring of triclosan at sewage treatment plants
  • monitoring of frequently detected antibiotics in streams downstream fish farms.

Full report in pdf-format (1.608 kB); in
