Aarhus Universitets segl

612: Marine environmental investigations at Greenland municipal dumpsites

Asmund, G. 2007. NERI Technical Report No. 612. 110 pp.




The marine environment around 4 Greenland dump sites was in 2003 investigated by NERI. Samples of seaweed, sculpin (a fish), blue mussel, and sediment were collected and analysed. PCB and lead were the contaminants that were most clearly higher in samples close to the dump sites. But also most of the other contaminants hade elevated concentrations. However, the environmental levels of the majority of contaminants, were not high, and most of the analytical results placed the samples in the pollution class “ insignificantly small pollution” according to a Norwegian classification system for marine pollution. Even samples collected very close to the dumps were in this class. Of the 4 sites Nanortalik was the site with the highest marine pollution.



Only in a few cases elevated mercury concentrations were found, and no concentrations exceeded the food guidelines. Mercury concentrations placed the samples in the pollution class “insignificantly small pollution”.



The concentrations of cadmium were not elevated even close to the dump sites.



All analysed marine samples at the dump sites were consequently elevated in lead concentration, app. a factor of 10 to 20 above the natural levels. But no concentrations exceeded the food guidelines. According to the classification system the lead levels were mostly ”insignificantly small pollution” in some cases “moderately polluted” or “markedly polluted”.



The concentration of zinc is clearly elevated in seaweed from all dump sites, but in the other analysed items the elevation is either absent or very moderate. In all cases except one at Nanortalik the pollution class is “insignificantly small pollution”.



There are clear elevations of copper in the sediment close to the dumps. In isolated cases elevations are found in organisms, especially at Nanortalik. Most samples are “insignificantly small pollution” and a few are ”modrately polluted”.



The concentration of chromium is clearly elevated in sculpin liver, seaweed and in the acid-soluble fraction of the sediments close to the dump sites, but all samples are classified as “insignificantly small pollution”.


Nickel and arsenic

These two elements are not found in elevated concentrations in biota samples or sediments close to the dump sites.



The background levels of PCB are exceeded in all analysed samples from the marine environment close to the dumps. Highest at Nanortalik followed by Aasiat. According to the Norwegian classification system, however, most of the concentrations places the samples in the class “insignificantly small pollution” One sample from Aasiaat is in the class “moderately polluted” and two from Nanortalik are in the class “markedly polluted”.


Chlorinated pesticides

Small elevations of DDT, TNC and HCB compared to background levels can be measured, but there is no exceeding of food guidelines, with one possible exception: HCB in sculpin liver from Nanortalik expressed on lipid basis exceed the Danish guidelines for cheese, butter and egg. All concentrations fall in the class “insignificantly small pollution”.



Except from one sediment sample from Nanortalik the levels of PAH are not elevated in marine samples from the dumps. The PAH have both petrogenic and pyrogenic origin.



The concentrations of dioxin in marine samples from the Greenland dump sites are much lower than in similar samples from Denmark far from point sources. But in the immediate vicinity of the Nanortalik dump there is a clear elevated concentration of dioxin-like compounds, mostly coplanar PCB´s. With this exception all samples are placed in the class “insignificantly small pollution”.


Butyltin and brominated flame retardants

These compounds are only found in very low concentrations.


Full report in pdf-format (3,573 kB).