Aarhus Universitets segl

No. 653: Control of Pesticides 2006

Krongaard T., Petersen K.K., Christoffersen C. 2008. Technical Report from NERI No. 653. 23 pp.


The analytical chemical authority control of pesticide products on the Danish market in 2006 is described in this report. Samples of selected groups of pesticides have been collected from the market and analysed to verify whether the actual contents of the respective active ingredients in the products comply with the labelled content. The tolerance of deviation from the labelled content of active ingredient is set by the Danish Statutory Order on pesticides. In addition to the examination of the content of active ingredients, all collected samples are examined for the content of octylphenol ethoxylates (OPEO) and nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEO). The industry and the Danish authorities have agreed on removing these compounds from all Danish-sold pesticide formulations produced after June 2000.

Four different groups of products covered by the pesticide regulation were included in the 2006 analytical chemical authority control:

  1. Herbicides containing metamitron, propaquizafop and haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl.
  2. Fungicides containing azoxystrobin, propiconazole, cyprodinil, picoxystrobin and fenpropidin.
  3. Insecticides containing pirimicarb.
  4. Plant growth regulators containing chlormequat chloride, mepiquat chloride and ethephon.


Satisfactory results were found for all examined pesticide formulations. Thus, the analysed samples of these formulations complied with the accepted tolerance limits with respect to the content of the active ingredient as specified in Danish Statutory Order on pesticides.

None of the examined samples contained OPEO, but one of the samples contained NPEO. The concentration of NPEO in the formulations was approximately 0.1 %.


On the label of two products, the content of active ingredient was declared only in g/L, but not in % (w/w) as required by the Statutory Order and on one product the labelled content given in % was not in accordance with the labelled content given in g/L.


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