Aarhus Universitets segl

No. 252: Basemap 04

Levin, G. 2022. Basemap04. Documentation of the data and method for elaboration of a land use and land cover map for Denmark. Aarhus University, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, 77 pp. Technical Report No. 252 http://dce2.au.dk/pub/TR252.pdf 


In response to a lack of an up-to-date nationwide map of land use and land cover for Denmark, Aarhus University and Copenhagen University produced the first version of Basemap in 2011 (Levin et al., 2012). The novelty of Basemap was that it combined existing thematic geographic information into one land use/land cover map for Denmark. Furthermore, Basemap was dynamic in the sense that spatial modelling and input data could be adapted to different purposes and research needs. The first version of Basemap has been widely applied in research and advisory projects by research institutions, public agencies, and private companies. In 2016 and 2019, Statistics Denmark financed updated versions of Basemap for the years 2016 (Levin et al., 2017) and 2018 (Levin, 2019). These updated versions were differed from the first version in the sense that most of the original land use and land cover information is included in the final map. This ensures improved options for the user to aggregate and combine area categories for specific purposes and research questions.  In 2022, Statistics Denmark financed a fourth version of Basemap. Basemap04 is based on spatial information for the year 2021 and follows the methodology of the previous version with minor adjustments. Furthermore, in order to enable comparison over time Basemap04 also includes updated versions for the years 2011, 2016 and 2018, which in terms of applied data and methodologies are consistent with Basemap04 for 2021.