Aarhus Universitets segl

TR200: Nature restoration of rock reefs in the Øresund region

Dahl, K. & Göke, C. 2021. Naturgenopretning af stenrev i Øresundsregionen – en identifikation af mulige lokaliteter. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi, 28 s. - Teknisk rapport nr. 200


A screening project has been carried out to identify areas where restoration of stone reefs can be carried out in the Sound region. The study is based on the review of old sea charts compared to present day’s bathymetry, as well as various mapping studies conducted in the area.  Three   very suitable sites were identified and a fourth, which could be considered as a dissemination reef.


The boundaries of the different sites and thus the size of the areas shall be considered with caution as the actual locations have not been mapped with sufficient details.  In the northern part of the Sound the identified possible project locations Klidderet covers 86,800 m2  and Ellekilde Hage 63,000 m2. In the central part of the Sound, Tårbæk Rev is pointed out. This is clearly the largest with 3,407,600 m2. In Køge Bay, the most obvious location is Køge Sønakke with a project area of 1,791,300 m2 while Juels Grund at 364,500 m2 is considered less obvious.