Teilmann, J., Dietz, R. & Sveegaard, S. 2022. The use of marine waters of Skåne by harbour porpoises in time and space. Aarhus University, DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, 76 pp. Technical Report No. 236. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/TR236.pdf
This report is mapping harbour porpoise movements, distribution and important habitats of the Swedish waters of Skåne. The maps are based on Argos satellite tracking of 111 harbour porpoises tracked between 1997-2021 in the Belt Sea harbour porpoise population, management area and the gap area between the summer management units of the Belt Sea and Baltic Proper populations. Eight sets of maps are presented based on area, season, month, inter annual differences and a separate set of maps for mature females.