Andersen, N.R., Lønborg, C., Stæhr, P.A., Erichsen, A.C. & Carstensen, J. 2021. Evaluation of gross primary production estimates based on buoy data and mechanistic modelling in Roskilde Fjord. Aarhus University, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, 20 pp. Technical Report No. 208.
Accurate models allowing assessment and prediction of metabolic processes in coastal areas are valuable tools that potentially can improve our knowledge of how current and future challenges of, for instance, climate change, eutrophication and ocean acidification impact the functioning of marine coastal ecosystems. Few attempts have been made to compare the outputs of marine ecological models. The evaluation of the mechanistic and buoy models presented in this report shows discrepancies in the estimated gross primary production in Roskilde Fjord. We suggest that oxygen produced elsewhere in the fjord, either benthically or from adjacent eelgrass beds, is the reason for the observed discrepancy since this production is only considered by the buoy model and not the mechanistic model.