Aarhus Universitets segl

No. 199: Cormorants 2004





Jörn Eskildsen. Research Notes no. 199, 46 pages.


English Summary


In 2004 the number of counted cormorant nests in Denmark was estimated at 39.631 nests in 59 colonies. This was an increase of 6% compared to 2003; the colonies near the coast of Kattegat holding the majority of the increase. The number of colonies was the highest number ever and 14% more than in 2003. The number of nests in 2004 is very close to the average of 39,000 nests during 1994-2003, varying between 36.700 and 42.800 nests.


Regulation of cormorant nests was intensified in 2004 compared to years before. A minimum of 6,700 nests was regulated, which corresponds to 17% of the total number of counted cormorant nests in Denmark in 2004. Regulation of nests increased by 43% compared to 2003. In 2004, 83% was regulated by oiling, i.e. spraying the eggs with a fluid that closes the pores of the eggs and consequently kills the embryo. Regulations took place in 23 colonies (39%). Despite the intensified regulations, the number of colonies increased in 2004 compared to 2003. The availability of food resources seems to be the main factor of the fluctuations during the last 10 years.


Full Report (452 kB)