Aarhus Universitets segl

No. 260: Use of woodstoves in the village of Slagslunde. Results from a questionnaire survey within the WOODUSE project.

Helge Rørdam Olesen, Steen Solvang Jensen & Jesper Stubkjær 2010: Use of woodstoves in the village of Slagslunde. Results from a questionnaire survey within the WOODUSE project. National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University. 36 pp. - Research Notes from NERI No. 260. 


As part of the research project WOODUSE, an air pollution measurement campaign was conducted in the village of Slagslunde in the winter 2006-2007. The objective was to investigate the contribution from residential wood combustion to local air pollution.

In parallel with the campaign a questionnaire survey took place, where residents with a wood stove or another woodburning appliance were requested to record their firewood consumption during a six-week period.

The questionnaire study has resulted in a detailed database suitable to serve as input for air pollution modelling purposes. Furthermore, the data material can be used in future studies of air pollution from residential wood combustion at other Danish locations and for Denmark in general.

Full report in pdf format (3,79 MB)