Ellermann, T., Massling, A., Løfstrøm, P, Winther, M., Nøjgaard, J. K. & Ketzel. M. 2011. Undersøgelse af luftforureningen på forpladsen i Københavns Lufthavn Kastrup i relation til arbejdsmiljø. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi. 148 s. – Teknisk rapport fra DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi nr. 5. http://www2.dmu.dk/Pub/TR5.pdf
This report presents results from a survey on the air pollution at the apron[1] of Copenhagen Airport in relation to working environment. The survey has been carried out during the period 2009 to 2011 by DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University (DCE) for Copenhagen Airports A/S.
The aim of the survey was to map the air pollution at the apron of the airport and to determine the sources of the air pollution. The study focuses on the working environment. Therefore, the emphasis is on determination of air pollution in those areas of the apron where staff is working.
The survey includes the air pollutants that are suspected to cause problems for the working environment at the apron. These are the following: Nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), the mass of particles with diameter below 2.5 µm (PM2. 5), particle number[2] and their size distribution, particulate elemental carbon (soot), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and selected volatile organic compounds (VOC).
The survey is based on a combination of measurements, compilation of an emission inventory and model calculations. The main elements are:
[1] Apron is the part of the airport where the airplanes are parked near the gates.
[2] In this report the expression “particle number” is used as a short expression for the concentration of the number of particles per volume (particles per cm3)
[3] Ultrafine particles (diameter below 100 nm) accounts typically for 75-95% of the particle number with diameter between 6 and 700 nm.