Aarhus University Seal

No. 284: Distribution of harbour porpoises and status of marine habitat areas in Danish waters

Sveegaard, S., Nabe-Nielsen, J. & Teilmann, J. 2018. Marsvins udbredelse og status for de marine habitatområder i danske farvande. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi, 36 s. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 284. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR284.pdf


In 2010, 16 sites of Community importance (SCIs) were designated in Danish waters for harbour porpoises in accordance with the Habitats Directive. The designation were based on a review of all existing knowledge at the time. Since 2011, harbour porpoises have been monitored as part of the Danish monitoring program, NOVANA, both within the SCIs and in their entire range. This report present an update of knowledge since 2010 and account for the distribution and hotspots of harbour porpoise in Danish waters including changes over time. Furthermore, the significance for harbour porpoises of each of the 84 Danish marine SCIs are evaluated by comparing the site with the updated knowledge presented in this report. Of the 84 SCIs, 21 are assessed as being of major importance, 16 as medium importance, 25 as low importance and 22 as no importance. The 16 SCIs designated for harbour porpoises are evaluated separately with accordance to changes in density and importance since 2010: In 14 SCIs, data indicate no or minor changes and in 2 sites; ”Flensborg Fjord, Bredgrund og farvandet omkring Als” and ”Maden på Helnæs og havet vest for” data indicates a decrease.