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Innovative nature-based solutions for lake restauration is one of our finest capacities, so we are proud to announce that we are a part of the…
Department of Ecoscience, Aarhus University in collaboration with Ocean Institute is hosting the 23rd Danish Marine Science Meeting 20-22 January…
Sources of impulsive noise include pile driving, seismic surveys involving airguns, underwater explosions and low-frequency sonars and all of these…
New study examines the prescence of flame retardants by modelling long-range transport and emissions from local sources of new contaminants in the…
The Baltic Proper population is categorised as critically endangered by the IUCN and the HELCOM Red List . A new report describes the methodology used…
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International Interdisciplinary Conference on Land Use and Water Quality
The 23rd Danish Marine Science Meeting is taking place on January 20-22, 2026 at Congress Center 'Konventum' in Helsingør.
The meeting is organised…
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