Aarhus University Seal

No. 168: Danish scientific appraisal of HELCOM’s and OSPAR’s indicators in relation to the monitoring programme under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

Sveegaard, S. (Ed.) 2020. Danish scientific appraisal of HELCOM’s and OSPAR’s indicators in relation to the monitoring programme under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive – status 2020. Aarhus University, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, 114 pp. Technical Report No. 168 http://dce2.au.dk/pub/TR168.pdf


DCE has been asked by the MFVM to conduct a road map of the currently existing indicators or indicators under development. This road map will function as a status review or appraisal of each indicator and serve as an update of the DCE contribution of the 2014 road map. It was requested, that the road map should include information on background and aims, list potential problems or reservations and provide suggestions for solutions. For indicators under development, the road map should focus on potential future challenges such as lack of data and determination of threshold values. Based on the request DCE developed a road map indicator template, which was approved by the MFVM on November 22nd 2019 and it has consequently been used for the review.