Aarhus University Seal

Analyses and sampling

DCE/Department of Environmental Science and Department of Ecoscience, Aarhus University are accredited to a selection of analysis, including test sampling and in situ measurements. The accreditation means that the institutes are annually controlled by DANAK, the Danish Accreditation Body of laboratories which ensures that the institutes and the testing (analysis, test samples and in situ measurements) follow the international standard ISO 17025 for General Requirements for Competence and Calibration Laboratories

The accreditation covers the following areas:

Sampling of:

  • Marine waters for nutrients and metal analysis (Department of Ecoscience)
  • Precipitation (Department of Environmental Science)
  • Gasses and particles in ambient air  (Department of Environmental Science)

In situ measurements:

  • Continuously measuring of air pollution (Department of Environmental Science)
  • Profiles of marine waters (Department of Ecoscience)

Chemical analysis of:

  • Inorganic ions (including nutritive salt) in marine waters, precipitation and air samples (Department of Environmental Science/ Institute of Ecoscience)
  • Elements in precipitation, marine waters, fresh water, biota, sediments, geological samples and samples of air (Department of Environmental Science/ Department of Ecoscience)
  • Organotin compounds in biota, sediment, sludge, waste water,  surface water and percolate (Department of Ecoscience)
  • Pesticides in ground water, drinking water and surface water (Department of Environmental Science)
  • PCB in Biota (Department of Environmental Science)
  • Brominated flame retardants in biota (Department of Ecoscience)
  • PAH in biota and sediments (Department of Environmental Science)

Testing is carried out in the laboratories in Roskilde. In addition to this it is possible to carry out sampling and profiles from small boats whereas sampling of air samples is carried out from fixed or mobile measurement stations equipped with relevant measuring equipment.

Analysis carried out by the Department of Ecoscience of relevant elements in sediment and metals in sea water is approved according to the quality requirements of The Danish Ministry of the Environment in Directive.

The total survey of the accredited tests is shown by the method list which is available at DANAK´s home page (method list of reg. No. 411)

A part from the accredited sampling, a number of analyses are carried out in connection with research and development. The extent and the assurance of the quality of these analyses are normally at the same level as accredited tests but specific deviations might appear and will appear of the related reports.