Aarhus University Seal

No. 196: The distribution of eelgrass at marine archeological sites at Tybrind Vig and Nekselø

Rasmussen. M.B., Göke, C., Schou, H.J. &Krause-Jensen, D. 2021. Ålegræssets udbredelse på marinarkæologiske lokaliteter ved Tybrind Vig og Nekselø. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi, 24 s. - Teknisk rapport nr. 196. https://dce2.au.dk/pub/TR196.pdf


Eelgrass meadows can protect the marinearchaeological heritage in the seafloor against erosion. The project delivers a detailed mapping of eelgrass around marinearchaelogical locations at Tybrind Vig and nekselø based on drone and ortophotos. Both data types show considerable cover of eelgrass in both areas, though with some variation between years. Drone images provide the most detailed quantification of the vegetation and was supported by field data, which markedly increase the certainty of the analysis. The project further shows clear overlap between the potential distribution of eelgrass and known marine archaeological heritage at national scale and that the potential distribution model for eelgrass is therefore also of relevance from a marine archaeological perspective.