Aarhus University Seal

No. 171: Natural restoration of stone reefs in Roskilde Fjord. Design Proposal

Dahl K, Al-Hamdani Z, Svendsen JC & Christoffersen M. 2020. Naturgenopretning af stenrev i Roskilde Fjord. Designforslag. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi, 17 s. - Teknisk rapport nr. 171


The report describes specific design suggestions for a boulder reef at Nørrerev in Roskilde Fjord. The restoration of boulder reefs should compensate for the historic ‘stone fishing’ activities in the area. A specific design for a minor ‘dissemination reef’ in Roskilde Fjord at Veddelev is also included.

The design suggestions include establishment of specific reef structures with ‘blue corridors’ in between at Nørrerev. It is estimated that 286 tons of boulders are needed for the ‘dissemination reef’ and 4,173 tons are needed for the reef structures at Nørrerev.