Aarhus University Seal


Along with the Department of Bioscience and the Department of Environmental Science, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy – is a member of PEER (Partnership for European Environmental Research). You can read more about PEER at www.peer.eu.

PEER is governed by a Directors Board, which meets twice a year to discuss collaborative projects and strategies for both research and research-base consultancy at a European level. Collaborative PEER projects focus on subjects that are expected to gain increasing strategic importance in the EU. The PEER centres thereby help by being proactive regarding future research and consultancy requirements in the EU.

Other collaborative activities are joint workshops and conferences, coordination of partner searches for EU research programmes, joint access to infrastructures and employee exchanges.

The following institutions are members of PEER:

  • Alterra (Netherlands)
  • CEH (UK)
  • IRSTEA (formerly Cemagref, France)
  • JRC-IES (the European Commission’s environmental research institution)
  • DCE (formerly Denmark’s National Environmental Research Institute)
  • SYKE (Finland)
  • UFZ (Germany)
  • CIENS (Norway)