Aarhus University Seal

No. 343: Ivory gull survey in Greenland 2019

Boertmann, D., Petersen, I.K., Nielsen, H.H. & Haase, E. 2019. Ivory gull survey in Greenland 2019. Aarhus University, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, 24 pp. Scientific Report No. 343. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR343.pdf


CAFFs (Arctic Councils Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna working group) Circumpolar Seabird Group initiated a pan-Arctic survey of all the major breeding populations of ivory gull in 2019. The Greenland part of the survey took place In July and August, and all areas in Greenland with breeding ivory gulls were surveyed from aircraft. In total, 36 known breeding sites were surveyed and of these 16 were occupied. In addition, nine new sites with breeding ivory gulls were located. The total number individuals recorded were 2028 in 25 colonies, of which the 22 were in the northern distribution area (79°-83° N) and three in the southern area (67°-70°). The population in the northern areas seems to be unchanged since the previous surveys in 2008/09. In the southern area, the colonies are so difficult to locate, that it is not possible to evaluate any trends. The surveys was financed partly by the Strategic Environmental Study Program for the Northeastern Greenland area (Greenland Government) and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DANCEA-programme).