Handling radioactive mining in the Arctic
New report on mining and radioactive materials i Greenland

DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy and Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (GINR) prepared the report ’’Exploitation of radioactive minerals in Greenland, Management of environmental issues based on experience from uranium producing countries.’’
The report include information concerning the management of environmental issues associated with mining and milling of radioactive minerals worldwide, examples of worldwide current regulatory framework (legislation, regulation and guidelines). The report was not targeted for a specific project but for the mining and milling of radioactive minerals in general. The report was prepared for the Environmental Agency for Mineral Resource Activities (EAMRA) in English and includes summaries in Greenland, Danish and English.
The intention of the report was for it to be a compendium with worldwide relevant background information to be used as a checklist for issues to consider for future work development for mining and milling of radioactive minerals in Greenland.
Based on the above mentioned report, GINR and DCE have prepared a short note: ‘’Uran - Miljøpåvirkninger ved indvinding af uran i Grønland.’’ The note includes information concerning the management of environmental issues associated with mining and milling of radioactive minerals. This note was prepared in Greenland and Danish for the Environmental Agency for Mineral Resource Activities (EAMRA).
The information gathered in the report and the note is not specifically related to Kvanefjeld project in South Greenland but on mining and milling of radioactive minerals in general.’
See the report ’’Exploitation of radioactive minerals in Greenland, Management of environmental issues based on experience from uranium producing countries’’ here.
For more information please contact: Peter Aastrup, Head of Section, Danish Centre for Environment and Energy (DCE) email: paa@bios.au.dk, phone: +4587158687
Violeta Hansen, Researcher, Radiochemist, Danish Centre for Environment and Energy (DCE) email: viha@bios.au.dk , tlf.: (+45) 8715-8663